Basic Golf Etiquette

As with many sports, there are certain unspoken rules that players should follow and golf is no exception. We have highlighted several important rules that you should be following on the course to make your day, and those you play with more enjoyable. 


First on the list is a classic, do not show up late. Golf is often an all day affair and requires planning and booking. Not only are the members on your roster expecting you to show up on time, but the course and other groups who are playing expect you to arrive on time. If anything, be at least 10 minutes early giving you time to stretch and hang out before hitting the course. 


Cursing, throwing your clubs aside and giving out unwanted golf advice are ways to not only make your group uncomfortable but also the other players on the course. Take a breath and move on, golf is supposed to be a fun activity and your sourness can permeate the whole group.


A violation of golf course decorum that can also be dangerous is hitting the golf ball into the group ahead of you. A more simple matter of etiquette is not stepping on someone else’s line. Avoiding crossing the line between a player and the hole is just good manners. 


Playing from the championship tee box when you do not compete professionally or consistently average under 85 only delays the game for others. You know your skill level, own it and try to get better by properly playing, not by showing off. 


Golf is a fun way to exercise and get outside so make sure that it is enjoyable for everyone and yourself. Having the right golf course equipment and driving range equipment can make all the difference along with following these basic rules of etiquette.



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