Blog posts tagged with 'golf course'

Learning About the Golf Net

Maintaining your stride when it comes to golf is all about practicing. Whether you go to the driving range on the weekends or regularly play with a few friends, there are many different ways to keep up your skill. One of these is through using a golf net. 


When it comes to golf nets, there are two main mesh styles, knotted and knotless. Knotted is ideal for the beginner golfer since it can be repaired if it breaks unlike the knotless format. When it comes to safety, these nets are measured in ‘ply’ which is the equivalent of the numbers of layers used to make up the net. Depending on your level of play and how often you think you will be using the net, durability is another factor. Nylon is the ideal material because it holds up better overtime in comparison to polyester. 


Once your net is set up, you will slowly start to realize how beneficial practicing with it is. Practicing this way is not about the distance or location of where the ball ends up. Rather it is about fine tuning your swing itself and therefore how the strike feels. Once you secure the feeling, you will better be able to practice on consistency. This will improve your whole game significantly and then allow you to practice achieving the same motion while on the course. Over time, you will be able to call upon each swing in its playable moment through the power of muscle memory. 


Wherever you are using the golf net at your local golf club or even have one set up in your backyard, a large benefit of it is having one accessible to you. Especially as we saw during quarantine when golf courses were shut down to accommodate local and national regulations, the opportunity to practice is huge. Spending a short amount of time each day on using your practice net will not only help to keep your golf game up, but also keep your stress levels down. 


At Rangemaster, we carry golf driving range equipment as well as golf barrier netting. You can also find two popular variations of a golf net on our website. 

5 Essential Items for Golfing in the Summer


With summer well on its way for many parts of the country, golfers are preparing to hit the course and enjoy some much needed sunshine. Although there are always some items that golfers should have on them, the hot weather means that we can add or change a few of them to accommodate the temperature change. Here are some of our top items to bring with you on the golf course in the summer. 


Moisture Wicking clothing- This material type is ideal for the golf course and is available in all different styles, colors, and even sleeve lengths. The right clothes can make a big difference in your comfort when you hit the course, especially if you are going when the sun is high. The cloth itself is what absorbs the sweat yet avoids making the material wet and sweaty. 


Hydrate- Yes this is important year round, but in the heat it is even more important. COVID19 restrictions have made it so more courses are allowing you to bring your own beverages and if you are using a golf cart, take advantage of the space. Water, Gatorade, or another sports drink can be put in a cooler with a few ice packs to keep you safe on the course. 


Sunscreen- Another year round essential but during the summer months, it is even more important to be reapplying sunscreen, especially on the arms, back of the neck, and face. If you don’t want to constantly be reapplying, consider using sun sleeves as another alternative. 


Cooling towel- A great solution to hot days, this towel can even be kept in your drink cooler and then brought out when you need it. For the best relief, apply it to the back of the neck while you walk to your next shot. 


Breathable socks- Sweaty socks can cause a lot of problems on your feet so make sure to protect them with the right pair of socks. Many golfers use wool socks and others even change socks while on the course. Whatever it takes to keep your feet dry is ideal. 

Spending time on the golf course is a great way to pass the time during summer. We sell driving range equipment as well as golf ball barrier netting to keep you safe while on the range and course.

Essential Golf Clubs for Beginners

When you think of golf, one of the first images that comes to mind is a golf bag overflowing with different clubs. While tournaments you are allowed to carry 14 clubs, beginners should in no way carry around that many clubs. In addition to the weight, having too many clubs to practice with can be overwhelming. Starting with a few essential clubs allows you to build your skills. Here are the clubs that we believe a beginner should carry with them, 


  • 3-Wood/Driver- Known originally as the the 3-wood due to the material it was made out of, the now known driver is the most commonly used club at the driving range and is used for finding the fairway. Essential for hitting off the tee, this is perhaps the first club you should add to your bag.  

  • A hybrid: One of the most versatile clubs is the hybrid. This club  can get you out of tricky situations and are easier to maneuver and use than a long iron.  While many golfers exclusively practice with the driver on the practice field it is also worth getting comfortable with this club. 

  • Irons: There are many different irons but in a beginners bag, you should not have very many. Working with the 5-iron, 7-iron and 9-iron will allow you to get used to the clubs while also being able to take into account their differences and how to use them. Once you are comfortable with these, consider adding another into the mix. 

  • A Wedge: Assuming you start with the irons listed above, the only wedge you might need is a sand wedge to get you out of sand traps and back on course. 

  • A Putter: This is the club that can make the biggest difference in your score. Understanding how to use your putter and practicing with it should not be something you skip over. 

Golf, like many things in life, is all about practice. Take the time to get experience using these clubs and enjoy being on the golf course. We carry a variety of driving range equipment as well as golf course accessories to make your course efficient and professional. 



4 Mini Golf Obstacles

Some mini golf courses are indoors, others are outdoors, and others many even start inside and then end outside. Regardless, there is one thing that all the best mini golf courses have in common; obstacles. The mini golf obstacle is unlike a regular golf course obstacle because they are designed to fit into the theme of the whole or even entire course. They are meant to not only challenge whoever steps up but can also completely change the direction of the game. We are going to look at several fun mini golf obstacles that you may see the next time you play. 


The Cylinder- They can be either small or large but either way, they require precision and accuracy to be able to pass. Often brightly colored, the cylinder is either a direct path to the hole or can sometimes lead you a different direction depending on the course. This is a classic and is often seen on some of the first few holes. 


The Pipe Hole- This type of obstacle is a game of chance for new players on the course. There are usually 2-3 holes that lead to the other side of the hole but each one leads to a different spot. Unless you know which hole goes where, you are playing a guessing game. One of the pipes could even lead to a hole in one if you have the right speed going in and out of the pipe. 


Loop de Loop- Just as much fun to say as it is to play, the loop de loop is challenging for both experienced and new players. It requires accuracy to get up the ramp but needs to have enough speed and force to clear it. Usually you can either take the risk of the loop or go around it. If you are just playing for fun, take the chance to do it but if you are playing competitively, you will probably be better just going around it. 


The jump- Exactly as it sounds, the jump shot means you have to have speed to go over not only the obstacle, but whatever lies underneath, often water. If you fail to make the shot, your ball may get wet or could get lost completely and require you to politely ask for a new one. 


We hope that with whatever obstacles you encounter on the course that you have fun playing them. For mini golf supplies, visit us online. We also carry driving range equipment and golf ball barrier netting.



4 Essentials to keep in your Golf Bag

Your golf bag is full of the items you know you will need. From your clubs to your gloves, everything is packed away and ready for the next time you go and hit the course. However, your bag should be storing more than just your golf equipment. Here are the top 5 things we recommend you also keep in your bag at all times. 


Sunscreen- Golf is an outdoor sport and with outdoor sports comes the sun. While hats will help protect your skin, you still need another barrier. Having a waterproof sunscreen of at least SPF 30 will allow you to protect your skin. Any exposed skin is susceptible to getting burned, don’t risk it. You can even find sunscreen sticks that are great for your face and that won’t leave sticky residue. 


Snacks- Don’t rely too heavily on the beverage cart, your wallet and stomach will thank you. Trail mix, dried fruit, or at the very least a granola bar should make it into your bag. At some point on the course, you will get hungry so having a snack ready to go will help you get through the course until either the beverage cart comes around or you make it back to the clubhouse. 


Socks- Yes we know, you have a pair on your feet already, but having an extra pair on hand is always a great option. If the morning dew soaks into your shoes or you accidentally step in mud or a puddle, a fresh pair of socks will protect your feet. 


Umbrella- The rain won’t stop just because you are on the course so you might as well be prepared. Especially in states where the rain is known to go off and on like a tap, having an umbrella on hand means you can take it out when you need it and put it away when you don’t. Plus, if the sun is bearing down, this provides another way to stay cool and protect your skin along with your sunscreen. 


Having these items in your bag has you covered for a variety of different scenarios. Looking for more golf related items to add to your collection? Find the golf course accessories you need with us. Or if you are looking for golf ball barrier netting we have that too. 



Basic Golf Etiquette

As with many sports, there are certain unspoken rules that players should follow and golf is no exception. We have highlighted several important rules that you should be following on the course to make your day, and those you play with more enjoyable. 


First on the list is a classic, do not show up late. Golf is often an all day affair and requires planning and booking. Not only are the members on your roster expecting you to show up on time, but the course and other groups who are playing expect you to arrive on time. If anything, be at least 10 minutes early giving you time to stretch and hang out before hitting the course. 


Cursing, throwing your clubs aside and giving out unwanted golf advice are ways to not only make your group uncomfortable but also the other players on the course. Take a breath and move on, golf is supposed to be a fun activity and your sourness can permeate the whole group.


A violation of golf course decorum that can also be dangerous is hitting the golf ball into the group ahead of you. A more simple matter of etiquette is not stepping on someone else’s line. Avoiding crossing the line between a player and the hole is just good manners. 


Playing from the championship tee box when you do not compete professionally or consistently average under 85 only delays the game for others. You know your skill level, own it and try to get better by properly playing, not by showing off. 


Golf is a fun way to exercise and get outside so make sure that it is enjoyable for everyone and yourself. Having the right golf course equipment and driving range equipment can make all the difference along with following these basic rules of etiquette.



Low End vs High End Golf Balls

Every level of golfer has come to ask the same seemingly unknown question; is there really a difference between different golf balls? While some golfers find a ball they like and use it for their entire golf careers, changing up the type of ball you use may actually be worth it. Here we are going to cover features of low and high end golf balls tohelp you get an idea on what you might do. 

Higher end golf balls can range from $50 dollars per dozen and higher. Professionals all have their favorites and that is easy enough to look up online but there are some key features that will give you an idea about these higher end balls. 

They often have a urethane cover which feels like rubber which means that they can easily take on damage because of the softer exterior. More damage means more replacement which can increase overall cost. However, these balls generate more spin because of the often multi layered construction that maximizes control. 

Lower end golf balls can be as cheap as $10- $15 per dozen and are much more durable because of a harder exterior material. This material is often Surlyn lonomer, resulting in a sharp yet short clicking sound when hit. These balls almost always are mde of two pieces, an inner core and outer later which means the ball will go far, but there is a complete lack of control. 

For beginners who are just learning the sport, focus should be on hitting the ball straight and getting used to the swinging motion. Lower end balls are great for this because of their lack of spin and easy replaceability. 

Serious golfers who already have the control needed, investing in more expensive balls could up their game, allowing for practice with curves etc. 

Whichever level of ball you go with, practicing and consistency are key to figuring out which type of ball works best for you. See more about our driving range supplies or even miniature golf supplies on our website.



Making the shot in Mini Golf


When playing mini golf, the first few shots may just be about having a good time but at some point, competitive nature kicks in. Here are some tricks to improve your mini golf game. 


Walking around and really looking at each course can help your gameplay. Noting any slopes, obstacles, or surface imperfections can help give you guidance on putting the ball. Some courses may have themed sculptures or water obstacles that you have to work around to get your ball in the hole. While they are fun to enjoy when it isn’t your turn, make sure to tune into your ball when it’s time. 


Watching the players ahead of you, if there are any, gives you an idea on how to play or not play each round. This goes the same for anyone you are playing with, watching how they play can give you an idea of any adjustments needed to best sink your shot. 


The speed at which you hit the ball is everything in mini golf. Generally, hitting the ball a little too hard is better than hitting it too soft since the ball can always bounce off the walls and towards the hoel versus coming to a stop right on the edge. Weak shots may also not make any of the curves or ramps that could cost you more points. 


Talk to yourself positively, or maybe not at all! Keeping your subconscious mind clear allows you to not focus on the outside noise but rather on the ball itself. With technique in the back of your mind and having made observations about the course (see how we tied that in) everything will flow together naturally leaving you to swing with no worries. 


At the end of the day, mini golf is about having fun and enjoying yourself. Having the right mini golf equipment can add to the experience or if you prefer golfing on a golf course, make sure you have the right driving range equipment too.