Blog posts of '2021' 'June'

Learning About the Golf Net

Maintaining your stride when it comes to golf is all about practicing. Whether you go to the driving range on the weekends or regularly play with a few friends, there are many different ways to keep up your skill. One of these is through using a golf net. 


When it comes to golf nets, there are two main mesh styles, knotted and knotless. Knotted is ideal for the beginner golfer since it can be repaired if it breaks unlike the knotless format. When it comes to safety, these nets are measured in ‘ply’ which is the equivalent of the numbers of layers used to make up the net. Depending on your level of play and how often you think you will be using the net, durability is another factor. Nylon is the ideal material because it holds up better overtime in comparison to polyester. 


Once your net is set up, you will slowly start to realize how beneficial practicing with it is. Practicing this way is not about the distance or location of where the ball ends up. Rather it is about fine tuning your swing itself and therefore how the strike feels. Once you secure the feeling, you will better be able to practice on consistency. This will improve your whole game significantly and then allow you to practice achieving the same motion while on the course. Over time, you will be able to call upon each swing in its playable moment through the power of muscle memory. 


Wherever you are using the golf net at your local golf club or even have one set up in your backyard, a large benefit of it is having one accessible to you. Especially as we saw during quarantine when golf courses were shut down to accommodate local and national regulations, the opportunity to practice is huge. Spending a short amount of time each day on using your practice net will not only help to keep your golf game up, but also keep your stress levels down. 


At Rangemaster, we carry golf driving range equipment as well as golf barrier netting. You can also find two popular variations of a golf net on our website.