
Low End vs High End Golf Balls

Every level of golfer has come to ask the same seemingly unknown question; is there really a difference between different golf balls? While some golfers find a ball they like and use it for their entire golf careers, changing up the type of ball you use may actually be worth it. Here we are going to cover features of low and high end golf balls tohelp you get an idea on what you might do. 

Higher end golf balls can range from $50 dollars per dozen and higher. Professionals all have their favorites and that is easy enough to look up online but there are some key features that will give you an idea about these higher end balls. 

They often have a urethane cover which feels like rubber which means that they can easily take on damage because of the softer exterior. More damage means more replacement which can increase overall cost. However, these balls generate more spin because of the often multi layered construction that maximizes control. 

Lower end golf balls can be as cheap as $10- $15 per dozen and are much more durable because of a harder exterior material. This material is often Surlyn lonomer, resulting in a sharp yet short clicking sound when hit. These balls almost always are mde of two pieces, an inner core and outer later which means the ball will go far, but there is a complete lack of control. 

For beginners who are just learning the sport, focus should be on hitting the ball straight and getting used to the swinging motion. Lower end balls are great for this because of their lack of spin and easy replaceability. 

Serious golfers who already have the control needed, investing in more expensive balls could up their game, allowing for practice with curves etc. 

Whichever level of ball you go with, practicing and consistency are key to figuring out which type of ball works best for you. See more about our driving range supplies or even miniature golf supplies on our website.



Making the shot in Mini Golf


When playing mini golf, the first few shots may just be about having a good time but at some point, competitive nature kicks in. Here are some tricks to improve your mini golf game. 


Walking around and really looking at each course can help your gameplay. Noting any slopes, obstacles, or surface imperfections can help give you guidance on putting the ball. Some courses may have themed sculptures or water obstacles that you have to work around to get your ball in the hole. While they are fun to enjoy when it isn’t your turn, make sure to tune into your ball when it’s time. 


Watching the players ahead of you, if there are any, gives you an idea on how to play or not play each round. This goes the same for anyone you are playing with, watching how they play can give you an idea of any adjustments needed to best sink your shot. 


The speed at which you hit the ball is everything in mini golf. Generally, hitting the ball a little too hard is better than hitting it too soft since the ball can always bounce off the walls and towards the hoel versus coming to a stop right on the edge. Weak shots may also not make any of the curves or ramps that could cost you more points. 


Talk to yourself positively, or maybe not at all! Keeping your subconscious mind clear allows you to not focus on the outside noise but rather on the ball itself. With technique in the back of your mind and having made observations about the course (see how we tied that in) everything will flow together naturally leaving you to swing with no worries. 


At the end of the day, mini golf is about having fun and enjoying yourself. Having the right mini golf equipment can add to the experience or if you prefer golfing on a golf course, make sure you have the right driving range equipment too.



5 Driving-range Rules you Should Always Follow

Practicing at a driving range is an excellent way to improve your game. It is also a lot of fun. However, one thing that can take away from the enjoyment of this activity is when people forget that there are others around who are trying to improve/enjoy themselves. To this end, everyone should always follow the rules and be courteous of the facility and others who will be using the range. Here are a few rules of thumb for the driving range that you should know and follow so that everyone can have fun.

  •          Respect the facility: Every driving range has a different set of rules set out for the people who will be using the facility. For example, some facilities will allow you to hit from the mat, while others will restrict this and allow you to only hit the ball off the grass. Learn and follow these rules in order to ensure that everyone has good time.
  •          Do not offer tips or advice to other golfers: There are few things more annoying than unsolicited advice when you are trying to improve your game. Therefore, even if you see someone using improper form, don’t say anything. Keep your eyes and mind on your own game. If someone asks you for advice and you can help them then that is another thing entirely. Above all else, always be courteous and respectful.
  •          Use caution when swinging your club: Be aware of your surroundings at all time. Try to maintain at least a two driver club-lengths distance away from other golfers. Moreover, look before you swing to make sure that no one is behind you or about to walk around you. Finally, never retrieve balls on the range while others are striking their balls. You may be hit by a ball and sustain a serious injury.
  •          Stay off the cell phone: Spare people your pointless conversation and stay off the cell phone while you are at the driving range. It is rude, distracting and can cause arguments. Besides, many people come to driving ranges to escape such distractions and you aren’t doing anyone a favor by talking on your mobile device.
  •          Don’t take what doesn’t belong to you: Some people abscond with golf balls while they are on the range. This is wrong. There is a cost to the owner of replacing pilfered driving range equipment and golf course accessories as this cost impacts everyone who uses the facility.

In short, it’s all about remembering why you and others are at the driving range in the first place. You and they there are to have a good time and to hopefully improve your game. You can do so by being courteous and respectful of others and the facility.   

Top Golf Club Accessories

The life of a golf club is very difficult if you stop to think about it. They are mercilessly tossed around in the back of golf carts, toted around with little thought as to their well-being, then brutally used to smack balls around for a couple of hours. After a few years of this, they are thrown to the side and discarded for the newer models with better swinging power and all of the new features. With this much mistreatment of golf clubs, it only seems fitting that you at least accessorize them a bit and help them live better lives. And while you’re at it, your efforts might just make things a little bit better for you and your golf game. Read on to find out about some of the things you can buy in order to treat your golf clubs better and prolong their life spans.

If you don’t already have a proper golf club bag, you should be embarrassed. This is the main thing (besides skill and clubs) that makes or breaks a golfer. If you have all of your clubs in one organized location that is easy to access whenever you need to, you can be sure to always have the correct golf club on hand when you need it. A well organized bag can almost be handier than a caddy, since you will be familiar with it and able to quickly access the clubs yourself. You can also find bags with other pockets that come in very handy for storing the rest of your golf accessories.

Additionally, a proper cleaning kit will work wonders in prolonging the lives of your golf clubs. While you are out golfing, your clubs will get grass stains on them; they will get dirty from hitting the ground and probably get scuffed up from the occasional sand trap. If you have the proper cleaning supplies, you will be able to restore your golf clubs to the condition they were in before they got dirty. This could either be simply a rag and a cleansing solvent, or a miniature washing machine that is sold by some large golf accessory dealers.

If you aren’t feeling satisfied with the grips on your golf clubs, you can always replace them. Maybe they slipped out of your hands when you were swinging and they fell into a lake, or maybe they just made your hands sore with prolonged use. Either way, it’s possible to strip your golf clubs of their previous grips, and replace them with entirely new ones. You can find the new ones in almost any golf club store or on the internet where you can order very specific items. Better grips can improve a lot about your game, including the power of your stroke.

While golf clubs are an important purchase, items to extend the lives of your golf clubs are equally important. You have made an investment by buying your golf clubs, and you want to do the best you can to make sure that your money does not go to waste. Whether this is something to make your playing experience better or something to protect your clubs from the elements, it will certainly be worth the money.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this list of golf club accessories and that we have caused you to think differently about your golf game. Please feel free to check out the driving range equipment and golf course accessories on our site. We have everything the experienced or novice golfer could ever need. 

5 Super Easy (and Practical) Tips for Improving Your Golf Game

As much as we love it, we do confess that golf can be a truly frustrating game at times. This is particularly the case when you discover that you don’t seem to be making any progress with your game. In most cases poor instruction, not enough practice or some other cause may be the culprit. Regardless of why you are stuck in a sand trap, we would like to offer you some help in digging your way out. Follow these tips and you’ll find yourself displaying new skill on the links in no time!

  •          Analyze your game: It may be the case that only part of your game is off and that you do not necessarily need improvement in all aspects. Look to your statistics and observe players who are better than you to see where you may be lacking and then seek additional instruction/aid to improve the specific deficits in your game.
  •          Hit the ball straighter, not further: Many amateurs make the mistake of trying to match the world’s leading players by focusing on how far they can hit the golf ball. Rather, you should concentrate on accuracy rather than power to begin with. Your high scores will eventually improve if you hit the ball with greater precision.
  •          Don’t neglect your grip: Place your fingers around the club with your thumbs staying on the top. Then, hold the club mostly in your fingers (as opposed to your palm) as you grip it. Next, take apart your stance. You should keep your head still and turn your shoulder and hips away from the target before swinging. 
  •          Irons: Instead of using3-, 4- or 5-irons, consider user hybrid irons. They are much easier to hit with.
  •          Practice your put: Many amateurs ignore this part of their game and that is really unfortunate. You can take strokes off your scores if you spend more time becoming an effective putter. You can best accomplish this by working on your speed control and by learning to square the putter face as you hit the ball.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the list of golf tips and that we have caused you to thinking differently about your golf game. Please feel free to check out the driving range equipment and golf course accessories on our site. We have everything the experienced or novice golfer could ever need.   

How to Plan a Miniature Golf Fundraising Event

The pros do it to in order to raise money for all kinds of causes. Why can’t you? Why not host a mini golf tournament as a way to raise money for your school club, youth sports team, church group, cheerleading squad, etc? It’s great fun and if done right, it can raise considerable funds for your cause. Below is a step by step guide on how to plan a mini golf fundraising tournament like a pro.

  •          Find a venue: First you’ll need to check with the mini golf courses around you to find out if one is willing to host your group. Once you find one that is convenient to the participants you may wish to ask them if they can temporarily close their facility to the public while the tournament is underway. The great thing about booking this kind of event is that many facilities may be willing to give you a discount or group rate since they know their facility will be booked for that time.
  •          Set the tournament rules: Take some time to set the rules for the tournaments so that there are no misunderstanding and so that everyone can have fun. Know beforehand whether you will allow individual players or if you will allow team play, if children will be allowed to participate, what kinds of which prizes you will award etc.
  •          Publicize it: Once you have chosen the venue and have set the tournament rules, you will need to make as many people aware of the event as possible. Get together flyers, post on social media and write a press release to let other know about your cause. Be sure to include in your package not only who, what, why, where your event will be held but exactly how the proceeds will be used.
  •          Consider concessions: Make sure that the facility you choose will be able to supply refreshments for everyone in attendance. Playing mini golf builds appetites and you do not want attendees to have a negative impression of your event or charity by neglecting to feed them.

Yes, a mini golf fundraiser is a fantastic way to raise money, engage with others and let others know about the charity you are promoting. Be sure to make your event even more fun with the proper driving range equipment and golf course accessories from Range Master. 

5 Secrets for Improving Your Mini-Golf Skills

Although mini-golf may look easy, it is a skill onto itself that is quite unlike regular golf. And by learning a few useful skills you can master it as you would regular golf or any other activity. By following these five tips, it will be possible for you to improve your miniature golf game and perhaps even start out on the road to becoming mini golf ace.

  •          Make use of basic golfing skills: As anyone knows who has done both and as we have already said, regular golf and mini golf are different games. However, there is some carry over. Thus, it is important that you hone your based golf skills before attempting to rule at miniature golf. For example, you should already know how to maintain the right stance, how to develop a firm grip on the putt, and how to utilize your shoulder muscles for your swing.
  •          Analyze each obstacle before devising a strategy: Miniature golf is largely about being able to overcome the myriad obstacles that are placed in your way. To do this, you must concentrate and maintain your focus as you visualize the ball’s desired trajectory. Pros recommend that you even walk the course several times to familiarize yourself with all the crazy obstructions such as windmills, giant clown heads, and even the occasional waterworks.
  •          Take it slow: Since the speed of different surfaces can vary in miniature golf, you should take a few test shots before you begin. Don’t rush as this will give you better overall control of your ball. You do not want to over compensate on a relatively small course.
  •          Pick the right mini-golf putter: Just as in regular golf and every other sport, the right equipment can make all the difference in the world. In particular, make sure that the putter you use is the correct size for you. We sell quality miniature golf course supplies for people who are seeking to improve their game or just have some fun.
  •          Avoid intense hitting: Since miniature golf is played in a much smaller area you need to be precise and somewhat restrained with your shots. Only hit the ball hard enough to direct it to where it needs to go no harder.

Now that you know how to be good at mini golf, why not try it out at a course near you? With these tips, some practice and our driving range equipment you will become an ace in no time. 

5 Traits All Exceptional Golfers Should Possess

For many of us golfers it isn’t just about playing the game; it’s also about being good at it. And for those few of us who are good, we also aspire to be considered great at the sport. But aside from technical proficiency what are some of the traits that make a golfer great? Here is a list of traits that we’ve found separates the exceptional avid golfer from the pack.

  •          The disciple to practice: There is no way around it - practice makes perfect. There is simply no substitute for working on every aspect of your game. However, practicing alone is not always enough. Golfers who go on to be truly exceptional learn from people who are much better than them at the game. So, put your ego aside and seek out professional coaching if you truly want to fly with the eagles.
  •          Patience: There are no short cuts to becoming great at any skill. A great golfer must be patient as he/he develops his/her stills but a great golfer must also be patient when out on the course. Sometimes the breaks come slowly if at all.
  •          Emotional control: Mental approach is everything when it comes to golf. It is just as important as dexterity, endurance or any other trait. A golfer must excel in controlling himself when he/she hits bad shots, is caught in a sand trap, faces some sort of distraction, etc. In other words, staying focused pays off greatly in this game that is 90% psychological.
  •          Natural talent: We are sorry to say it but true greats also have natural talent for the game. They are why some people who have practiced just as much simply aren’t as good as the pros and probably never will be. This reality may seem unfair to people who devote time and money to the game but it is quite simply reality.
  •          A creative mind’s eye: Think about some of the most memorable shots you’ve ever seen the pros make. These shots were probably ones most of us didn’t think were possible. Thus, great golfers must be able to see opportunities at making a shot where others do not. This takes creativity and the ability to think on one’s feet.

So, how many of these traits for great golf do you have? Perhaps you will become the next PGA champion. However, ultimately what matters is that you have fun at this wonderful sport. And although our driving range equipment and golf course accessories won’t guarantee that you will be on par with the professionals, we do guarantee that you will have fun.

We got your answers!

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